Countdown to launch: 2 years, 1 months, 21 days, 7:20:48
INCUS Funded
Selected as NASA EV-M 3
In 2021, INCUS was funded as the third NASA Earth Ventures Mission.
5 November 2021Phase A
INCUS was in Phase A (Concept and Technology Development phase) through March 2023.
The purpose of Phase A is to develop a proposed mission/system architecture that is credible and responsive to program expectations, requirements, and constraints on the project, including resources. During Phase A, activities are performed to fully develop a baseline mission concept, begin or assume responsibility for the development of needed technologies, and clarify expected reliance on human elements to achieve full system functionality or autonomous system development. This work, along with interactions with stakeholders, helps mature the mission concept and the program requirements on the project. Systems engineers are heavily involved during this phase in the development and assessment of the architecture and the allocation of requirements to the architecture elements.
April 2022Phase B
INCUS is in Phase B through November 2023 (estimated).
The purpose of Phase B is for the project team to complete the technology development, engineering prototyping, heritage hardware and software assessments, and other risk-mitigation activities identified in the project Formulation Agreement (FA) and the preliminary design. The project demonstrates that its planning, technical, cost, and schedule baselines developed during Formulation are complete and consistent; that the preliminary design complies with its requirements; that the project is sufficiently mature to begin Phase C; and that the cost and schedule are adequate to enable mission success with acceptable risk. It is at the conclusion of this phase that the project and the Agency commit to accomplishing the project’s objectives for a given cost and schedule.
March 2023Phase C
Estimated Start
INCUS starts Phase C in November 2023 (estimated).
October 2023Phase D
Estimated Start
INCUS starts Phase D in January 2025 (estimated).
January 2025INCUS Launches
INCUS is currently slated to launch in 2026 (estimated).